Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Family Shout Outs!!!

To start off my first blog post, I would just like to say a little about my back ground. My family is my life, they mean the world to me and as I am on this journey I have all the love and support i could ask for. So here is a shout out to all of them. Mom, dad, honestly I could not ask for better parents, you have been so loving and supportive of all the things I choose to do and never once have I felt that I didn’t have your trust with what I choose to do. Britt, my big sis. What would my life be like without you? I can’t even imagine. You have been such a good sister to me, you taught me all my 'need to know' facts in life! I feel like we have only grown closer over time and know that will never change. Landon, oh Land I love you so much, I could not have asked for a better brother in law, you are such a stud and I appreciate how much you love my sister. Sailor Powell, my gosh how could I ever put into words the love I have for you my little bug. NEVER grow up, stay my sweet little girl! Jord, gosh bro I feel that we have only become closer these last months and I miss you so much. I miss you contagious laugh and your quick smile. You are so sweet and kind to me and I treasure every moment with you. Trevor, Trev I am so proud of you and your willingness to serve the Lord. I can feel your testimony every time I read your e-mails. You are such a loving and protective brother. My favorite thing about you is your protectiveness over me, I know I laugh when you say you will cut their tongues off haha but I know that you truly mean that you won’t let anything bad ever happened to me. That’s the end of my shout outs and i love and miss you all!
Love your daughter and sister, Steph!


  1. Stephy Sue, my priceless, what more do I need to say except how much I love my little girl and how dang proud I am of you!!!! You'll always me daddy's little girl even though you're all grown up. Enjoy China babe!!! xoxoxXXooOOxxoxxOxXOx dad

  2. Steph! I'm so proud of you for blogging! I can't wait to follow you on all of your experiences. Steph I love you so dang much! I'm so proud of you! You're an amazing and mature beyond your years in so many ways! I feel like the luckiest sister in the world! Thanks for the shout out babe! Love you!
